Amiga Format CD 36
Amiga Format CD36 (1999-01-22)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-02].iso
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Windows Autorun File
3,665 lines
; $VER: GoldED Studio 5.0.0 (22.11.98)
(delopts "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
; -------------------------------- set constants -------------------------------
(set @studio_found 1 )
(set @studio_missing 0 )
(set @studio_installtype_minimum 0 )
(set @studio_installtype_user 1 )
(set @studio_installtype_normal 2 )
(set @studio_components_golded 1 )
(set @studio_components_starter 2 )
(set @studio_components_docs 4 )
(set @studio_components_addons 8 )
(set @studio_components_developer 16 )
(set @studio_components_screenshot 32 )
(set @studio_components_recover 64 )
(set @studio_components_config 128)
(set @studio_components_all 255)
(set @studio_preset_display 1 )
(set @studio_preset_interface 2 )
(set @studio_preset_hunter 4 )
(set @studio_preset_printer 8 )
(set @studio_preset_context 16 )
(set @studio_preset_syntax 32 )
(set @studio_preset_layout 64 )
(set @studio_preset_mouse 128)
(set @studio_preset_menu 256)
(set @studio_preset_api 1 )
(set @studio_preset_project 2 )
(set @studio_preset_references 4 )
(set @studio_preset_gadgets 8 )
(set @studio_preset_tabs 16 )
(set @studio_preset_keyboard 32 )
(set @studio_preset_templates 64 )
(set @studio_preset_misc 128)
(set @studio_preset_dictionary 256)
(set @studio_cpu_68000 0 )
(set @studio_cpu_68020 1 )
(set @studio_cpu_68030 2 )
(set @studio_cpu_68040 3 )
(set @studio_cpu_68060 4 )
(set @studio_addons_envwww 1 )
(set @studio_addons_envgde 2 )
(set @studio_addons_envthe 4 )
(set @studio_addons_envcpp 8 )
(set @studio_addons_envstm 16 )
(set @studio_addons_envsas 32 )
(set @studio_addons_envasm 1 )
(set @studio_addons_envbat 2 )
(set @studio_addons_envfax 4 )
(set @studio_addons_envmdt 8 )
(set @studio_addons_envthr 16 )
(set @studio_addons_envjcy 32 )
(set @studio_addons_envprt 1 )
(set @studio_addons_envrcs 2 )
(set @studio_addons_envins 4 )
(set @updatemode_reinstall 0 )
(set @updatemode_add 1 )
(set @updatemode_remove 2 )
(set @updatemode_presets 3 )
(set @updatemode_registry 4 )
(set @updatemode_startup 5 )
(set @updatemode_exit 6 )
(set @studio_starter_ed 1 )
(set @studio_starter_appicon 2 )
(set @studio_manual_history 1 )
(set @studio_manual_licence 2 )
(set @studio_manual_order 4 )
(set @studio_manual_english 8 )
(set @studio_manual_german 16 )
; -------------------------------- set variables -------------------------------
(set studio_found @studio_missing)
(set studio_updatemode @updatemode_components)
(set studio_registered 0)
(set studio_yourname "")
(set studio_serial "0")
(set studio_path "")
(set studio_update "")
(set studio_language "")
(set studio_regedit "")
(set studio_components 0)
(set studio_starter 0)
(set studio_manual 0)
(set studio_addons_a 0)
(set studio_addons_b 0)
(set studio_addons_c 0)
(set studio_reboot 0)
; -------------------------------- set strings ---------------------------------
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #studio_reboot "Bitte starten Sie den Rechner nach der Installation neu !")
(set #studio_rexxerr
"Warnung: Die ARexx-Installation ist unvollständig. \n"
"Die folgende Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden: \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_overwrite
"An dieser Stelle existiert schon ein Verzeichnis mit\n"
"dem Namen Studio ! Soll mit der Indstallation in \n"
"dieses Verzeichnis fortgefahren werden ? \n"
(set #studio_overwrite_help
"Möglicherweise gehört dieses Verzeichnis zu einem \n"
"anderen Programm oder einer älteren unvollständigen \n"
"Installation. \n"
(set #studio_overwrite_install "Installieren")
(set #studio_overwrite_cancel "Anderes Verzeichnis wählen")
(set #studio_badkick "Dieses Programm benötigt AmigaOS 3 !")
(set #studio_notify
"Während der letzten Installation ist ein Fehler \n"
"aufgetreten. Wir empfehlen die Wiederholung einer \n"
"Minimalinstallation in ein neues Verzeichnis. \n"
" \n"
"Beenden sie bitte vor der erneuten Installation alle\n"
"anderen laufenden Programme ! \n"
(set #studio_welcome
"Willkommen beim GoldED Studio 5 Demo Setup ! \n"
" \n"
"Mit diesem Programm wird GoldED Studio auf Ihrem \n"
"Computer installiert oder aktualisiert. \n"
" \n"
"Es wird dringend empfohlen, alle anderen Programme \n"
"zu beenden, bevor Sie mit dem Setup fortfahren. \n"
" \n"
"WARNUNG: Diese Software ist durch das nationale und \n"
"internationale Urheberrecht geschützt. Unerlaubter \n"
"Vertrieb oder Verleih der Software oder einer ihrer \n"
"Komponenten wird verfolgt. \n"
(set #studio_installerr
"Während der Installation ist ein Fehler aufgetraten.\n"
"Eine Beschreibung der Fehlerursache finden Sie in \n"
"der Log-Datei im T:-Verzeichnis, sofern Sie zu \n"
"Beginn der Installation die Option LOGDATEI ERZEUGEN\n"
"gewählt haben. Der Fehlercode ist: \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_yourname "Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein:")
(set #studio_yourname_help
"Die Eingabe des Namens ist zur Produktregistrierung \n"
"erforderlich. Ohne Registrierung können Sie diese \n"
"Software nicht installieren. \n"
(set #studio_check
"Ist diese Angabe korrekt ? \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_check_continue "Korrekt")
(set #studio_check_repeat "Eingabe wiederholen")
(set #studio_found
"Das Programm wurde schon einmal installiert: \n"
" \n"
"Wählen Sie AKTUALISIEREN, um Komponenten \n"
"hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen. \n"
" \n"
"Wählen Sie ANDERES VERZEICHNIS, um die Installation \n"
"an anderer Stelle zu wiederholen. \n"
(set #studio_found_help
" \n"
"Ändert die vorhandene Installation. Dort vorhandne \n"
"Komponenten werden im weiteren Verlauf dieser \n"
"Installation aktualisiert. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Die Installation erfolgt in ein anderes Verzeichnis.\n"
"Eine vorhandene Installation an anderer Stelle \n"
"bleibt erhalten. Sie sollten von dieser Möglichkeit \n"
"nur Gebrauch machen, wenn mit der vorhandenen \n"
"Installation Probleme auftauchen, die eine \n"
"Aktualisierung nicht ratsam erscheinen lassen. \n"
(set #studio_found_confirm "Aktualisieren")
(set #studio_found_newinstall "Anderes Verzeichnis")
(set #studio_path_choose
"Wählen Sie einen Pfad für die Installation. In dem \n"
"gewählten Pfad wird ein Verzeichnis für GoldED \n"
"Studio erzeugt: \n"
(set #studio_path_choose_help
"Der Speicherplatzbedarf auf dem gewählten Medium \n"
"hängt von dem weiteren Installationsablauf ab. \n"
"Maximal werden 30 MB Speicherplatz benötigt. \n"
" \n"
"Die Installation über eine vorhandene GoldED 3 oder \n"
"GoldED 4 Installation ist nicht möglich. Die alten \n"
"Einstellungen können aber später übernommen werden, \n"
"da Studio 5.0 abwärtskompatibel zu diesen \n"
"Programmversionen ist. \n"
(set #studio_installtype "Wählen Sie die gewünschte Installationsart:")
(set #studio_installtype_help
"Sie können später jederzeit einzelen Komponeten \n"
"nachinstallieren oder installierte Komponenten \n"
"entfernen, indem Sie das Setup-Programm erneut \n"
"ausführen. \n"
(set #studio_installtype_minimum "Minimalinstallation (500 KB)")
(set #studio_installtype_user "Benutzerdefiniert (bis zu 3.7 MB)")
(set #studio_installtype_normal "Typische Installation (2 MB)")
(set #studio_checking "Überprüfen der vorhandenen Installation ...")
(set #studio_updatemode_reinstall "Installation aktualisieren")
(set #studio_updatemode_add "Komponenten hinzufügen")
(set #studio_updatemode_remove "Komponenten entfernen")
(set #studio_updatemode_presets "Grundeinstellungen installieren")
(set #studio_updatemode_registry "Registry wiederherstellen")
(set #studio_updatemode_startup "User-Startup korrigieren")
(set #studio_updatemode_exit "Setup beenden")
(set #studio_updatemode_help
" \n"
"Die bisher installierten Komponenten (mit Ausnahme \n"
"der Grundseinstellungen) werden neu installiert. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Ändert die vorhandene Installation durch Hinzufügen \n"
"oder Entfernen einzelner Komponenten (Add-Ons, \n"
"Dokumentationen, usw.). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Erlaubt die selektive Installation von Einstellungen\n"
"(Menu, Farben, usw.). Der Editor verwendet die \n"
"Grundeinstellungen, wenn normale Texte bearbeitet \n"
"werden, für die kein besonderer Dateityp definiert \n"
"wurde. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Stellt die zentrale Konfigurationsdatei wieder her. \n"
"Sie verlieren dadurch alle globalen Einstellungen im\n"
"Editor sowie weiterhin alle Dateitypen mit Ausnahme \n"
"des Dateityps TEXT ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Es wird der notwendige Assign auf das Verzeichnis \n"
"des Editors eingerichtet. \n"
(set #studio_components_install
"Wählen Sie die Komponentengruppen, die installiert \n"
"werden sollen: \n"
(set #studio_components_update
"Wählen Sie die Komponentengruppen, die installiert \n"
"bzw. aktualisiert werden sollen: \n"
(set #studio_components_remove
"Wählen Sie die Komponentengruppen, die ganz oder \n"
"teilweise entfernt werden sollen: \n"
(set #studio_components_help
"GOLDED (1.76 MB) \n"
" \n"
"Der Editor GoldED sowie die unmittelbar vom Editor \n"
"benötigten Dateien und Verzeichnisse. \n"
" \n"
"STARTER (0 - 15 KB) \n"
" \n"
"Startprogramme, die die Verwendung des Editors \n"
"vereinfachen (Drag & Drop). \n"
" \n"
"DOKUMENTATION (36 K - 700 KB) \n"
" \n"
"Die Online-Dokumentation. \n"
" \n"
"ADD-ONS (0 - 1.7 MB) \n"
" \n"
"Mitgeliefert werden die Rechtschreibprüfung Joyce, \n"
"ein Thesaurus, Anpassungen an diverse C-Compiler, \n"
"die HTML-Umgebung Webworld (zur Bearbeitung von \n"
"HTML-Dateien mit dem Editor), Anpassungen an \n"
"verschiedene E-Mail-Programme, usw. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Material für die Entwicklung von Erweiterungen für \n"
"GoldED: Quelltexte, Autodocs, Includes, Catalogs, \n"
"usw. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Ein Screenshot von GoldED. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Stellt nach Betriebssystemabstürzen den zuletzt \n"
"bearbeiteten Text wieder her. \n"
(set #studio_components_golded "GoldED")
(set #studio_components_starter "Starter")
(set #studio_components_docs "Dokumentation")
(set #studio_components_addons "Add-Ons")
(set #studio_components_developer "Entwicklerunterlagen")
(set #studio_components_screenshot "Screenshot")
(set #studio_components_recover "Notfallprogramm")
(set #studio_preset_install_A
"Wählen Sie die Grundeinstellungen, die installiert \n"
"werden sollen (Seite 1 von 2): \n"
(set #studio_preset_install_B
"Wählen Sie die Grundeinstellungen, die installiert \n"
"werden sollen (Seite 2 von 2): \n"
(set #studio_preset_install_help
"Der Editor verwendet die Grundeinstellungen, wenn \n"
"normale Texte bearbeitet werden, für die kein \n"
"besonderer Dateityp definiert wurde. \n"
(set #studio_preset_display "Anzeige")
(set #studio_preset_interface "Benutzeroberfläche")
(set #studio_preset_hunter "Dateisuche")
(set #studio_preset_printer "Drucker")
(set #studio_preset_context "Kontext")
(set #studio_preset_syntax "Farbcodierung")
(set #studio_preset_layout "Layout")
(set #studio_preset_mouse "Maus")
(set #studio_preset_menu "Menu")
(set #studio_preset_api "Plug-Ins")
(set #studio_preset_project "Projekte")
(set #studio_preset_references "Referenzen")
(set #studio_preset_gadgets "Symboleisten")
(set #studio_preset_tabs "Tabulatoren")
(set #studio_preset_keyboard "Tastatur")
(set #studio_preset_templates "Templates")
(set #studio_preset_misc "Verschiedenes")
(set #studio_preset_dictionary "Wörterbücher")
(set #studio_locale "Wählen Sie eine Sprache für die Grundeinstellungen:")
(set #studio_locale_help
"Die Berücksichtigung der vom Benutzer bevorzugten \n"
"Sprache bei der Beschriftung der Eingabefelder \n"
"erfolgt automatisch. Die Sprache der änderbaren \n"
"Komponenten (Einstellungen für Menus, Symbolleisten \n"
"usw.) muß dagegen während der Installation gewählt \n"
"werden, damit die entsprechenden Konfigurationsdaten\n"
"installiert werden können. \n"
(set #studio_starter_help
" \n"
"Das Startprogramm für den Editor: dieses Programm \n"
"kann wie ein normaler Editor verwendet werden, \n"
"bietet aber erweiterte Möglichkeiten, die sie beim \n"
"direkten Start von GoldED nicht haben. Der direkte \n"
"Start von GoldED sollte grundsätzlich vermieden \n"
"werden: verwenden Sie immer den Starter, um den \n"
"Editor zu starten. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Erzeugt ein Drag & Drop-Icon auf der Workbench: Sie \n"
"können auf dieses Symbol klicken, um den Editor zu \n"
"starten oder Dateien auf dieses Symbol ziehen, um \n"
"sie im Editor zu öffnen. \n"
(set #studio_starter_ed "Schnellstarter")
(set #studio_starter_appicon "Drag & Drop-Starter")
(set #studio_parts_install
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten dieser Kategorie, die \n"
"installiert bzw. aktualisiert werden sollen: \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_a
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten, die installiert bzw. \n"
"aktualisiert werden sollen (Seite 1 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_b
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten, die installiert bzw. \n"
"aktualisiert werden sollen (Seite 2 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_c
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten, die installiert bzw. \n"
"aktualisiert werden sollen (Seite 3 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten dieser Kategorie, die \n"
"entfernt werden sollen: \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_a
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten dieser Kategorie, die \n"
"entfernt werden sollen (Seite 1 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_b
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten dieser Kategorie, die \n"
"entfernt werden sollen (Seite 2 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_c
" \n"
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten dieser Kategorie, die \n"
"entfernt werden sollen (Seite 3 von 3): \n"
(set #studio_manual_help
" \n"
"Revisionsgeschichte (English) \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Lizenzbedingungen. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Bezugsquellennachweis für Updates \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Online-Dokumentation im AmigaGuide-Format. \n"
(set #studio_manual_history "History")
(set #studio_manual_licence "Lizenz")
(set #studio_manual_order "Bestellinformationen")
(set #studio_manual_english "Englische Dokumentation")
(set #studio_manual_german "Deutsche Dokumentation")
(set #studio_registry
"ACHTUNG: Beim Wiederherstellen dieser zentralen \n"
"Konfigurationsdatei verlieren Sie alle globalen \n"
"Einstellungen im Editor sowie weiterhin alle \n"
"Dateitypen mit Ausnahme des Dateityps TEXT ! \n"
(set #studio_registry_restore "Wiederherstellen")
(set #studio_registry_keep "Beibehalten")
(set #studio_registry_help
"Die zentrale Konfigurationsdatei (Registry) enthält \n"
"alle dateitypunabhängigen globalen Einstellungen \n"
"inklusive der Dateitypliste. \n"
(set #studio_nostartup "Die Datei s:user-startup fehlt oder ist beschädigt !\n")
(set #startup_ask
"Sollen die notwendigen Einträge in der Startup-Datei\n"
"des Rechners jetzt erzeugt werden ? \n"
(set #startup_ask_help
"Es wird der notwendige Assign auf das Verzeichnis \n"
"des Editors eingerichtet. \n"
(set #studio_addons_help
" \n"
"Erweiterung zur Bearbeitung von Internet-Seiten. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Rechtschreibprüfung Deutsch/Englisch. Markiert die \n"
"Fehler im Text schon beim Schreiben. Belegt 2-4 MB \n"
"Speicher ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Englisches Thesaurus: Umfangreiches Nachschlagewerk \n"
"für Synonyme. Belegt 2 MB Speicher ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Unterstützung für die Bearbeitung der Startup- \n"
"Sequenz (Farbcodierung). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Erweiterung zur Bearbeitung von AmigaGuide-Dateien. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Umfangreicher Support für den StormC-Compiler: C/C++\n"
"Farbhervorhebung, Toolbars, Anzeige der passenden \n"
"Klammer beim Schreiben, etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Umfangreicher Support für den SAS/C-Compiler: C/C++ \n"
"Farbhervorhebung, Toolbars, Anzeige der passenden \n"
"Klammer beim Schreiben, etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Unterstützung für andere C-Compiler. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Unterstützung für die Bearbeitung von Assembler- \n"
"Quelltexten (Farbcodierung). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Aktuellen Text als FAX verschicken. Erfordert das \n"
"Faxprogramm STFax. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Anpassung an Microdot zum Schreiben von E-Mails. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Anpassung an Thor zum Schreiben von E-Mails. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"PCL-Druckprogramm. PCL ist dir Druckersprache, die \n"
"von den meisten Laserdruckern und den meisten HP \n"
"Tintenstrahldruckern verwendet wird (Geräte von \n"
"Epson und Canon sind i.d.R. keine PCL-Drucker). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Diese Erweiterung erleichert das Erstellen von \n"
"Installationdateien für den Amiga Installer. Bei- \n"
"spielsweise werden zusammengehörende Klammern in \n"
"der gleichen Farbe dargestellt, so daß Fehler in \n"
"der Programmstruktur schnell zu finden sind. \n"
(set #studio_addons_envwww "Webworld")
(set #studio_addons_envjcy "Rechtschreibprüfung Joyce")
(set #studio_addons_envthe "Roget's Thesaurus")
(set #studio_addons_envbat "Scripting")
(set #studio_addons_envgde "AmigaGuide Publisher")
(set #studio_addons_envstm "Support für StormC")
(set #studio_addons_envsas "Support für SAS/C")
(set #studio_addons_envcpp "Support für andere C-Compiler")
(set #studio_addons_envasm "Support für Assembler")
(set #studio_addons_envfax "Faxversand")
(set #studio_addons_envmdt "Unterstützung für Microdot")
(set #studio_addons_envthr "Unterstützung für Thor")
(set #studio_addons_envprt "Druckererweiterung für PCL-Drucker")
(set #studio_addons_envrcs "Revisionskontrolle")
(set #studio_addons_envins "Installer-Assistent")
(set #studio_addons_install "Installation der Add-Ons ...")
(set #studio_addons_error "Diese Add-On-Installation wurde abgebrochen und ist unvollständig !")
(set #studio_ioerr "Lesefehler auf der Installations-CD !")
; english strings
(set #studio_reboot "Please reboot the computer after installation !")
(set #studio_rexxerr
"Warning: ARexx Installation is incomplete. File not \n"
"found error: \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_overwrite
"A drawer named Studio already exists in this path ! \n"
"Continue with installation into this drawer ? \n"
(set #studio_overwrite_help
"This drawer could belong to another program or to a \n"
"previous incomplete installation. \n"
(set #studio_overwrite_install "Install")
(set #studio_overwrite_cancel "Choose other path")
(set #studio_badkick "This program requires AmigaOS 3 !")
(set #studio_notify
"An error has occured during the last installation. \n"
"We recommend to repeat a minimum installation to \n"
"another drawer. \n"
" \n"
"Please terminate all other programs before you \n"
"repeat installation ! \n"
(set #studio_welcome
"Welcome to the GoldED Studio 5 Demo Setup ! \n"
" \n"
"This program installs or updates GoldED Studio on \n"
"your computer. \n"
" \n"
"We recommend to terminate all other programs before \n"
"you continue with setup ! \n"
" \n"
"WARNING: This software is protected by international\n"
"and national laws. Unauthorized distribution or \n"
"rental of this software or one of its components are\n"
"prosecuted to the full extent possible. \n"
(set #studio_installerr
"An error has occured during the installation. An \n"
"error description can be found in the logfile (see \n"
"t: directory) if you did enable log file creation. \n"
"The error code is: \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_yourname "Enter your name:")
(set #studio_yourname_help
"The name is required for product registration. The \n"
"software can not be installed without registration. \n"
(set #studio_check
"Is this correct ? \n"
" \n"
(set #studio_check_continue "Accept")
(set #studio_check_repeat "Modify")
(set #studio_found
"This software has been installed before: \n"
" \n"
"Choose UPDATE to update, add or remove components \n"
"of the existing installation. \n"
" \n"
"Choose OTHER DIRECTORY to install again to another \n"
"directory. \n"
(set #studio_found_help
" \n"
"Updates the existing installation: update, add or \n"
"remove its components. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Repeat installation to another directory. Your old \n"
"installation remains unchanged. You shouldn't use \n"
"this installation type unless you have problems with\n"
"your existing installation. \n"
(set #studio_found_confirm "Update")
(set #studio_found_newinstall "Other directory")
(set #studio_path_choose
"Choose a path for installation. The setup program \n"
"will create a directory for GoldED Studio in the \n"
"path you specify: \n"
(set #studio_path_choose_help
"Disk space requirements on the choosen drive depend \n"
"on the further installation process. About 30 MB are\n"
"required for a full installation. \n"
" \n"
"Installation over an existing GoldED 3 or GoldED 4 \n"
"setup is not possible. You can load old settings \n"
"after installation since version 5 is backwards \n"
"compatible with GoldED 4 configuration files. \n"
(set #studio_installtype "Choose the installation type:")
(set #studio_installtype_help
"You can add or remove components after installation \n"
"by running the setup program again. \n"
(set #studio_installtype_minimum "Minimum installation (500 KB)")
(set #studio_installtype_user "User defined (up to 3.7 MB)")
(set #studio_installtype_normal "Typical installation (2 MB)")
(set #studio_checking "Examining existing installation ...")
(set #studio_updatemode_reinstall "Upgrade current installation")
(set #studio_updatemode_add "Add components")
(set #studio_updatemode_remove "Remove components")
(set #studio_updatemode_presets "Install default configuration")
(set #studio_updatemode_registry "Restore registry")
(set #studio_updatemode_startup "Fix user startup sequence")
(set #studio_updatemode_exit "Leave setup")
(set #studio_updatemode_help
" \n"
"Installed components with exception of configuration\n"
"files are reinstalled. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Modifies the current installation by adding or \n"
"removing components (add-ons, manuals, etc.). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Select the default configuration elements you would \n"
"like to see reinstalled (menu, colors, etc.). The \n"
"editor uses the default configuration whenever you \n"
"load a text which has no specific file type \n"
"associated with it. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Reinstalls the central configuration file. You'll \n"
"loose all global settings and all filetypes with \n"
"exception of the type TEXT if you restore the \n"
"registry ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Adds the assign required by this sofwtare to the \n"
"user startup sequence of your system. \n"
(set #studio_components_install
"Choose the categories to be installed: \n"
(set #studio_components_update
"Choose the categories to be updated or installed: \n"
(set #studio_components_remove
"Choose the categories to be removed completely or \n"
"in parts: \n"
(set #studio_components_help
"GOLDED (1.76 MB) \n"
" \n"
"The editor GoldED and the files and directories \n"
"required by GoldED. \n"
" \n"
"STARTER (0 - 15 KB) \n"
" \n"
"Starter programs which simplify usage of the editor \n"
"(Drag & Drop). \n"
" \n"
"DOCUMENTATION (36 K - 700 KB) \n"
" \n"
"Online documentation. \n"
" \n"
"ADD-ONS (0 - 1.7 MB) \n"
" \n"
"Includes the spell checking module Joyce, Roget's \n"
"thesaurus, support for various C compilers, the \n"
"HTML environment Webworld (for writing HTML files \n"
"with the editor), support for various e-mailer, \n"
"etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Material for developing extensions for GoldED: \n"
"source codes, autodocs, includes, catalogs, etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"A screenshot of GoldED. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Restores a text lost during a system crash. \n"
(set #studio_components_golded "GoldED")
(set #studio_components_starter "Starter")
(set #studio_components_docs "Documentation")
(set #studio_components_addons "Add-Ons")
(set #studio_components_developer "Developer material")
(set #studio_components_screenshot "Screenshot")
(set #studio_components_recover "Emergency Recovery")
(set #studio_preset_install_A
"Chose the default configuration elements you would \n"
"like to have installed (page 1 of 2): \n"
(set #studio_preset_install_B
"Chose the default configuration elements you would \n"
"like to have installed (page 2 of 2): \n"
(set #studio_preset_install_help
"The editor uses the default configuration whenever \n"
"you load a text which has no specific file type \n"
"associated with it. \n"
(set #studio_preset_display "Display configuration")
(set #studio_preset_interface "User interface")
(set #studio_preset_hunter "File search")
(set #studio_preset_printer "Printer configuration")
(set #studio_preset_context "Context")
(set #studio_preset_syntax "Syntax highlighting")
(set #studio_preset_layout "Formatting")
(set #studio_preset_mouse "Mouse")
(set #studio_preset_menu "Menu")
(set #studio_preset_api "Plug-Ins")
(set #studio_preset_project "Projects")
(set #studio_preset_references "References")
(set #studio_preset_gadgets "Toolbars")
(set #studio_preset_tabs "Tabs")
(set #studio_preset_keyboard "Keyboard")
(set #studio_preset_templates "Templates")
(set #studio_preset_misc "Miscellaneous")
(set #studio_preset_dictionary "Dictionaries")
(set #studio_locale "Choose a language for the default configuration:")
(set #studio_locale_help
"While gadget labels are localized automatically, the\n"
"language for configurable elements (configuration of\n"
"menus, toolbars, etc.) has to be choosen during the \n"
"setup so that the correct files can be installed. \n"
(set #studio_starter_help
" \n"
"The starter for the editor: while this program can \n"
"be use like a normal editor (GoldED), it offers you \n"
"features not available when running GoldED directly;\n"
"you should in fact avoid running GoldED directly and\n"
"always use the starter. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Creates a drag and drop icon on your workbench where\n"
"you can drag files to open them in the editor. \n"
(set #studio_starter_ed "Quick Starter")
(set #studio_starter_appicon "Drag & Drop Starter")
(set #studio_parts_install
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"installed or updated: \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_a
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"installed or updated (page 1 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_b
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"installed or updated (page 2 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_install_c
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"installed or updated (page 3 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"removed: \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_a
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"removed (page 1 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_b
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"removed (page 2 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_parts_uninstall_c
" \n"
"Choose the components of this category to be \n"
"removed (page 3 of 3): \n"
(set #studio_manual_help
" \n"
"Revision history \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"User licence \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Information for ordering updates \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Online documentation in AmigaGuide format. \n"
(set #studio_manual_history "History")
(set #studio_manual_licence "Licence")
(set #studio_manual_order "Ordering information")
(set #studio_manual_english "English documentation")
(set #studio_manual_german "German documentation")
(set #studio_registry
"WARNING: You will loose all global configuration \n"
"settings and all file types with exception of the \n"
"type TEXT if you restore the registry ! \n"
(set #studio_registry_restore "Restore registry")
(set #studio_registry_keep "Skip this step")
(set #studio_registry_help
"The central configuration file (registry) contains \n"
"all file type independent configuration settings \n"
"including the global list of file types. \n"
(set #studio_nostartup "The file s:user-startup is missing or corrupt !\n")
(set #startup_ask
"Should the changes to the system's user startup \n"
"sequence (as required by this software) be done \n"
"now ? \n"
(set #startup_ask_help
"This will add an assign pointing to the installation\n"
"directory. \n"
(set #studio_addons_help
" \n"
"Add-On for publishing internet (HTML) documents. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Spellchecking for English and German. Highlights \n"
"spelling errors in a text while you are typing. \n"
"Requires 2-4 MB RAM ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"English thesaurus: lists synonyms from a 100000 \n"
"words database. Requires 2 MB RAM ! \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for editing the startup sequence (syntax \n"
"highlighting). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Add-On for publishing AmigaGuide documents. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for the StormC compiler: C/C++ syntax \n"
"highlighting, toolbars, shows the matching bracket \n"
"while typing, etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for the StormC compiler: C/C++ syntax \n"
"highlighting, toolbars, shows the matching bracket \n"
"while typing, etc. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"C++ syntax highlighting and other extensions. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for editing assembler source codes. \n"
" \n"
"FAX \n"
" \n"
"Sends current text as FAX. Requires the fax program \n"
"STFax. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for writing e-mails with Microdot (syntax \n"
"highlighting and signature support). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Support for writing e-mails with Thor (syntax \n"
"highlighting and signature support). \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"A printing utility for PCL printers. PCL is the \n"
"printer command language used by most laser printers\n"
"and most HP (but not Epson or Canon) inkjets. \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"This add-on simplifies the creation of installer \n"
"scripts compatible with the Amiga Installer. For \n"
"example, matching brackets have the same color so \n"
"that nesting errors can be found quickly. \n"
(set #studio_addons_envwww "Webworld")
(set #studio_addons_envjcy "Joyce Spell Checking")
(set #studio_addons_envthe "Roget's Thesaurus")
(set #studio_addons_envbat "Scripting")
(set #studio_addons_envgde "AmigaGuide Publisher")
(set #studio_addons_envstm "Support for StormC")
(set #studio_addons_envsas "Support for SAS/C")
(set #studio_addons_envcpp "Support for other C compilers")
(set #studio_addons_envasm "Support for Assembler")
(set #studio_addons_envfax "Fax")
(set #studio_addons_envmdt "Support for Microdot")
(set #studio_addons_envthr "Support for Thor")
(set #studio_addons_envprt "PCL printing utility")
(set #studio_addons_envrcs "Revision control system")
(set #studio_addons_envins "Installer Wizard")
(set #studio_addons_install "Installation of Add-Ons ...")
(set #studio_addons_error "This add-on installation has been aborted and is incomplete !")
(set #studio_ioerr "Read error on installation CD !")
; -------------------------------- check OS ------------------------------------
; check if we are running under OS 3
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
(delete "env:studioinstall")
(dest "env:studioinstall")
(append "ERROR")
(abort #studio_badkick)
(if (not (exists "sys:system/rexxmast"))
(message (cat #studio_rexxerr "sys:system/rexxmast"))
(if (not (exists "libs:rexxsyslib.library"))
(message (cat #studio_rexxerr "libs:rexxsyslib.library"))
; --------------------------------- procedures ---------------------------------
; uninstall an add-on (input: <studio_installpath>)
(procedure studio_proc_uninstall
(set studio_installcmd ("setup path \"%s\" icon \"%s\"" (pathonly studio_installpath) (fileonly studio_installpath)))
; request uninstall and run add-on setup
(delete "env:installoptions")
(dest "env:installoptions")
(append "UNINSTALL")
(run studio_installcmd)
; install an add-on (input: <studio_installpath>)
(procedure studio_proc_install
(set studio_installcmd ("setup path \"%s\" icon \"%s\"" (pathonly studio_installpath) (fileonly studio_installpath)))
; set quiet mode
(working #studio_addons_install)
(delete "env:installoptions")
(dest "env:installoptions")
(run studio_installcmd)
; check return code of installation
(if (exists "env:componentinstall")
(set studio_installcode (getenv "componentinstall"))
(set studio_installcode "ERROR")
(if (<> studio_installcode "OK")
(message #studio_addons_error)
; edit startup sequence
(procedure studio_proc_startup
(if (exists "s:user-startup")
; remove entries from previous installation
(run "installdata/programs/stripstartup >NIL: LINES=6 SECTIONNAME=HiSpeed")
(run "installdata/programs/stripstartup >NIL: LINES=6 SECTIONNAME=GED_quick")
(message #studio_nostartup)
(startup "GoldED"
(prompt #startup_ask)
(help #startup_ask_help)
("assign golded: \"%s\"\n" (expandpath "golded:"))
("assign libs: \"%s\" add\n" (tackon (expandpath "golded:") "etc/libs"))
("assign fonts: \"%s\" add\n" (tackon (expandpath "golded:") "etc/fonts"))
; restore registry (input: none)
(procedure studio_proc_registry
(if (exists "golded:etc/registry/registry")
(set studio_registry
(prompt #studio_registry)
(help #studio_registry_help)
(set studio_registry 1)
(if (= studio_registry 1)
(source "installdata/registry/registry")
(dest "golded:etc/registry")
; remove write protection for material copied from CD-ROM
(run "installdata/programs/unprotect basedir=golded:etc/registry")
; save install path and serial code in registry
(run ("golded:add-ons/regedit/regedit SERIAL=\"%s\" INSTALLPATH=\"%s\"" studio_serial (expandpath "")))
; cleanup after installation (input: none)
(procedure studio_proc_cleanup
(delete "env:componentinstall")
(delete "env:installoptions")
; save configuration (input: <studio_yourname>, <studio_language>, <studio_serial>)
(procedure studio_proc_savecfg
(if (exists "golded:etc/env" (noreq))
(delete "golded:etc/env/name")
(dest "golded:etc/env/name")
(append studio_yourname)
(delete "golded:etc/env/language")
(dest "golded:etc/env/language")
(append studio_language)
(delete "golded:etc/env/serial")
(dest "golded:etc/env/serial")
(append studio_serial)
; select subcomponents for installation (input: <studio_components>, output: <studio_starter>, <studio_manual>)
(procedure studio_proc_chooseparts
; choose add-ons
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_addons)
(set studio_addons_a
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_install_a))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default studio_addons_a)
(set studio_addons_b
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_install_b))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default studio_addons_b)
(set studio_addons_c
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_install_c))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default studio_addons_c)
; choose starter(s)
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_starter)
(set studio_starter
(prompt (cat #studio_components_starter #studio_parts_install))
(help #studio_starter_help)
(default studio_starter)
; choose documentation
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_docs)
(set studio_manual
(prompt (cat #studio_components_docs #studio_parts_install))
(help #studio_manual_help)
(default studio_manual)
; select subcomponents for removal (input: studio_remove, output: <studio_removeaddons_a>, <studio_removeaddons_b>, <studio_removestarter>, <studio_removemanual>)
(procedure studio_proc_removeparts
; remove add-ons
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_addons)
(set studio_removeaddons_a
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_uninstall_a))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default 0)
(set studio_removeaddons_b
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_uninstall_b))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default 0)
(set studio_removeaddons_c
(prompt (cat #studio_components_addons #studio_parts_uninstall_c))
(help #studio_addons_help)
(default 0)
; remove starter(s)
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_starter)
(set studio_removestarter
(prompt (cat #studio_components_starter #studio_parts_uninstall))
(help #studio_starter_help)
(default 0)
; remove documentation
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_docs)
(set studio_removemanual
(prompt (cat #studio_components_docs #studio_parts_uninstall))
(help #studio_manual_help)
(default 0)
; choose preferred language (input: <studio_language>, output: <studio_language>
(procedure studio_proc_chooselanguage
(while (not (exists ("installdata/locale/%s/standard.menu" studio_language)))
(if (= @language "english") (set studio_locale 0))
(if (= @language "deutsch") (set studio_locale 1))
(set studio_locale
(prompt #studio_locale)
(help #studio_locale_help)
(default studio_locale)
(if (= studio_locale 0) (set studio_language "english"))
(if (= studio_locale 1) (set studio_language "deutsch"))
; install registry editor (input: none)
(procedure studio_proc_installregedit
(if (= studio_regedit "")
(set studio_regedit "golded:add-ons/regedit/regedit")
(if (exists studio_regedit)
(set oldver (getversion studio_regedit))
(set newver (getversion "installdata/golded/add-ons/regedit/regedit"))
(if (> newver oldver)
(source "installdata/golded/add-ons/regedit")
(dest "golded:add-ons/regedit")
(source "installdata/golded/add-ons/regedit")
(dest "golded:add-ons/regedit")
; check existing setup (input: <studio_path>, output: <studio_yourname>, <studio_serial>, <studio_components>)
(procedure studio_proc_checksetup
(working studio_checking)
(makeassign "golded" studio_path)
(if (exists "golded:" (noreq))
; read env variables from last installation
(if (exists "golded:etc/env")
(if (= (exists "golded:etc/env/name") 1)
(run "installdata/programs/setenv NAME=NAME FROM=golded:etc/env/name")
(set studio_yourname (getenv "NAME"))
(if (= (exists "golded:etc/env/language") 1)
(run "installdata/programs/setenv NAME=LANGUAGE FROM=golded:etc/env/language")
(set studio_language (getenv "LANGUAGE"))
(if (= (exists "golded:etc/env/serial") 1)
(run "installdata/programs/setenv NAME=SERIAL FROM=golded:etc/env/serial")
(set studio_serial (getenv "SERIAL"))
; check installed components
(set studio_components 0)
(set studio_starter 0)
(set studio_manual 0)
(set studio_addons_a 0)
(set studio_addons_b 0)
(set studio_addons_c 0)
(if (exists "golded:demo")
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_golded))
(if (exists "golded:ed")
(set studio_starter (+ studio_starter @studio_starter_ed))
(if (exists "golded:drag & drop")
(set studio_starter (+ studio_starter @studio_starter_appicon))
(if (<> studio_starter 0)
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_starter))
(if (exists "golded:history")
(set studio_manual (+ studio_manual @studio_manual_history))
(if (exists "golded:licence")
(set studio_manual (+ studio_manual @studio_manual_licence))
(if (exists "golded:order")
(set studio_manual (+ studio_manual @studio_manual_order))
(if (exists "golded:manual")
(set studio_manual (+ studio_manual @studio_manual_english))
(if (exists "golded:anleitung")
(set studio_manual (+ studio_manual @studio_manual_german))
(if (<> 0 studio_manual)
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_docs))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/webworld")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envwww))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/makeguide")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envgde))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/thesaurus")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envthe))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/c++")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envcpp))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/stormc")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envstm))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/sas-c")
(set studio_addons_a (+ studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envsas))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/a68k")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envasm))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/scripting")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envbat))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/fax")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envfax))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/microdot")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envmdt))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/thor")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envthr))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/joyce")
(set studio_addons_b (+ studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envjcy))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/print")
(set studio_addons_c (+ studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envprt))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/rcs")
(set studio_addons_c (+ studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envrcs))
(if (exists "golded:add-ons/installer")
(set studio_addons_c (+ studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envins))
(if (or (<> studio_addons_a 0) (<> studio_addons_b 0) (<> studio_addons_c 0))
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_addons))
(if (or (exists "golded:developer/api") (exists "golded:developer/catalogs") (exists "golded:developer/include") (exists "golded:developer/registry") (exists "golded:developer/scanner") (exists "golded:developer/source") (exists "golded:developer/syntax"))
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_developer))
(if (exists "golded:screenshot")
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_screenshot))
(if (exists "golded:recover")
(set studio_components (+ studio_components @studio_components_recover))
; install presets (input: none)
(procedure studio_proc_installpresets
(set studio_preset_install_a
(prompt #studio_preset_install_a)
(default 0)
(help #studio_preset_install_help)
(set studio_preset_install_b
(prompt #studio_preset_install_b)
(default 0)
(help #studio_preset_install_help)
(if (or studio_preset_install_a studio_preset_install_b)
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a (+ @studio_preset_mouse @studio_preset_menu @studio_preset_gadgets))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_display)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.display" studio_regedit studio_language))
; reset font
(run bin "installdata/programs/installfont file=golded:etc/registry/presets/standard.display")
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_interface)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.interface" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_hunter)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.hunter" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_printer)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.printer" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_context)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.context" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_syntax)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.syntax" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_layout)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.layout" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_mouse)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.mouse" studio_regedit studio_language))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_a @studio_preset_menu)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.menu" studio_regedit studio_language))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_api)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.api" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_project)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.project" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_references)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.references" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_gadgets)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.gadgets" studio_regedit studio_language))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_tabs)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.tabs" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_keyboard)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.keyboard" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_templates)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.templates" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_misc)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.misc" studio_regedit))
(if (bitand studio_preset_install_b @studio_preset_dictionary)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.dictionary" studio_regedit))
(run "installdata/programs/unprotect basedir=golded:etc/registry")
; install components (input: <studio_components>, <studio_starter>, <studio_manual>)
(procedure studio_proc_installcomponents
; always install reqtools library
(if (not (exists "golded:etc/libs/reqtools.library"))
(source "bonus/reqtools/reqtools.library")
(dest "golded:etc/libs")
(run "assign libs: golded:etc/libs add")
; install editor
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_golded)
; always install 68000 binary (all other versions are optional and untested)
(set studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68000)
(if (= studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68000)
(set studio_binary "68000")
(if (= studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68020)
(set studio_binary "68020")
(if (= studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68030)
(set studio_binary "68030")
(if (= studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68040)
(set studio_binary "68040")
(if (= studio_cpu @studio_cpu_68060)
(set studio_binary "68060")
(source (cat "installdata/cpu/" studio_binary "/Demo"))
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Demo.info")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/etc")
(dest "golded:etc")
(run "assign fonts: golded:etc/fonts add")
; request reboot
(set studio_reboot 1)
; install presets and registry
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_config)
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.interface" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.hunter" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.printer" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.context" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.syntax" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.layout" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.api" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.project" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.references" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.tabs" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.keyboard" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.templates" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.misc" studio_regedit))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/registry/presets/standard.dictionary" studio_regedit))
; localized presets
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.mouse " studio_regedit studio_language))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.menu " studio_regedit studio_language))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.gadgets" studio_regedit studio_language))
(run ("%s PRESET installdata/locale/%s/standard.display" studio_regedit studio_language))
; choose a font
(run bin "installdata/programs/installfont file=golded:etc/registry/presets/standard.display")
; install registry
(source "installdata/registry/registry")
(dest "golded:etc/registry")
; remove write protection for material copied from CD-ROM
(run "installdata/programs/unprotect basedir=golded:etc/registry")
; save install path and serial code in registry
(run ("golded:add-ons/regedit/regedit SERIAL=\"%s\" INSTALLPATH=\"%s\"" studio_serial (expandpath "")))
; install starters
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_starter)
(if (bitand studio_starter @studio_starter_ed)
(source "installdata/golded/ed")
(dest "golded:")
(if (bitand studio_starter @studio_starter_appicon)
(source "installdata/golded/Drag & Drop")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Drag & Drop.info")
(dest "golded:")
; install documentation
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_docs)
(if (bitand studio_manual @studio_manual_history)
(source "installdata/golded/history")
(dest "golded:")
(if (bitand studio_manual @studio_manual_licence)
(source "installdata/golded/Licence")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Licence.info")
(dest "golded:")
(if (bitand studio_manual @studio_manual_order)
(source "installdata/golded/Order")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Order.info")
(dest "golded:")
(if (bitand studio_manual @studio_manual_english)
(source "installdata/golded/Manual")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Manual.info")
(dest "golded:")
(if (bitand studio_manual @studio_manual_german)
(source "installdata/golded/Anleitung")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Anleitung.info")
(dest "golded:")
; install screenshot
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_screenshot)
(source "installdata/golded/Screenshot")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Screenshot.info")
(dest "golded:")
; install developer material
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_developer)
(makedir "golded:developer")
(source "installdata/golded/developer")
(dest "golded:developer")
; install recovery program
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_recover)
(source "installdata/golded/Recover")
(dest "golded:")
(source "installdata/golded/Recover.info")
(dest "golded:")
; install add-onds (to-do)
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_addons)
(working #studio_addons_install)
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envwww)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envWWW28/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envgde)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envGDE15/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envthe)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envTHE10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envcpp)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envCPP25/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envstm)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envSTM25/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_a @studio_addons_envsas)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envSAS10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envasm)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envASM13/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envbat)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envBAT13/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envfax)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envFAX10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envmdt)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envMDT23/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envthr)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envTHR10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_b @studio_addons_envjcy)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envJCY50/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envprt)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envPRT63/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envrcs)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envRCS11/setup")
(if (bitand studio_addons_c @studio_addons_envins)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envINS10/setup")
(run "installdata/programs/unprotect basedir=golded:")
; remove components (input: <studio_remove>)
(procedure studio_proc_removecomponents
; remove editor
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_golded)
(delete "golded:demo")
; remove starters
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_starter)
(if (bitand studio_removestarter @studio_starter_ed)
(delete "golded:ed")
(if (bitand studio_removestarter @studio_starter_appicon)
(delete "golded:drag & drop")
; remove documentation
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_docs)
(if (bitand studio_removemanual @studio_manual_history)
(delete "golded:history")
(if (bitand studio_removemanual @studio_manual_licence)
(delete "golded:licence")
(if (bitand studio_removemanual @studio_manual_order)
(delete "golded:order")
(if (bitand studio_removemanual @studio_manual_english)
(delete "golded:manual")
(if (bitand studio_removemanual @studio_manual_german)
(delete "golded:anleitung")
; remove developer material
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_developer)
("run delete golded:developer all quiet")
; remove screenshot
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_screenshot)
(delete "golded:screenshot")
; remove recovery program
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_recover)
(delete "golded:recover")
; remove add-ons
(if (bitand studio_remove @studio_components_addons)
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envwww)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envWWW28/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envgde)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envGDE15/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envthe)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envTHE10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envcpp)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envCPP25/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envstm)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envSTM25/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_a @studio_addons_envsas)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envSAS10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envasm)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envASM13/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envbat)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envBAT13/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envfax)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envFAX10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envmdt)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envMDT23/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envthr)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envTHR10/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_b @studio_addons_envjcy)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envJCY50/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_c @studio_addons_envprt)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envPRT63/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_c @studio_addons_envrcs)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envRCS11/setup")
(if (bitand studio_removeaddons_c @studio_addons_envins)
(set studio_installpath "installdata/golded/add-ons/envINS10/setup")
; ------------------------------ error handling --------------------------------
(if (> @ioerr 0)
; set return code
(delete "env:studioinstall")
(dest "env:studioinstall")
(cat #studio_installerror @ioerr)
(exit (quiet))
; ------------------- check return code of previous installation ---------------
(if (exists "env:studioinstall" (noreq))
; (getenv) may not be used without checking if var exists (installer bug)
(set studio_install_code
(getenv "studioinstall")
(set studio_install_code "OK")
(if (= studio_install_code "INSTALLERROR")
(message #studio_notify)
(delete "env:studioinstall")
(dest "env:studioinstall")
(append "INCOMPLETE")
; ----------------------------- find old installation --------------------------
(if (exists "golded:" (noreq))
(set studio_installdir (pathonly (expandpath "golded:")))
(if (exists "golded:etc/registry")
(set studio_found
(prompt #studio_found)
(help #studio_found_help)
(if (exists "work:" (noreq))
(set studio_installdir "work:")
(set studio_installdir "sys:")
; ---------------------------------- welcome -----------------------------------
(if (not (exists "env:" (noreq)))
(makedir "ram:env")
(makeassign "env" "ram:")
(if (= studio_found @studio_missing)
(message #studio_welcome)
(run "run <>NIL: installdata/programs/stopgolded")
; --------------------------------- choose a path ------------------------------
; create installation directory and temporary assign
(while (= studio_path "")
(if (= studio_found @studio_found)
(set studio_path (expandpath "golded:"))
; keep requesting path until valid choice is made
(set studio_repeat 1)
(while (= studio_repeat 1)
(set studio_installdir
(prompt #studio_path_choose)
(help #studio_path_choose_help)
(default studio_installdir)
(if (exists studio_installdir)
(set studio_repeat 0)
(set studio_repeat 1)
(set studio_path (tackon studio_installdir "Studio"))
(if (exists studio_path)
(set studio_overwrite
(prompt #studio_overwrite)
(help #studio_overwrite_help)
(if (= studio_overwrite 0)
(set studio_path "")
(if (<> studio_path "")
(set @default-dest studio_path)
; check existing installation
(if (exists studio_path (noreq))
; fairly complete installation ?
(if (and (exists (tackon studio_path "demo")) (exists (tackon studio_path "etc/registry/registry")))
(set studio_update studio_path)
; repeat full initial installation
(set studio_update "")
(makedir studio_path)
; create assign
(makeassign "golded" studio_path)
; verify assign
(if (not (exists "golded:" (noreq)))
(set studio_path "")
(set studio_found @studio_missing)
; install drawer icon
(set studio_drawer (cat studio_path ".info"))
(if (not (exists studio_drawer))
(source "installdata/workbench/drawer.info")
(dest studio_installdir)
(newname (fileonly studio_drawer))
(dest studio_drawer)
; validate directory structure
(makedir "golded:add-ons")
(makedir "golded:add-ons/regedit")
(makedir "golded:etc")
(makedir "golded:etc/api")
(makedir "golded:etc/autorun")
(makedir "golded:etc/catalogs")
(makedir "golded:etc/charsets")
(makedir "golded:etc/env")
(makedir "golded:etc/fonts")
(makedir "golded:etc/images")
(makedir "golded:etc/images/sys")
(makedir "golded:etc/images/toolbar")
(makedir "golded:etc/images/wb")
(makedir "golded:etc/libs")
(makedir "golded:etc/recordings")
(makedir "golded:etc/registry")
(makedir "golded:etc/registry/presets")
(makedir "golded:etc/rexx")
(makedir "golded:etc/scanner")
(makedir "golded:etc/sessions")
(makedir "golded:etc/syntax")
(makedir "golded:etc/uninstall")
(makedir "golded:etc/updates")
(makedir "golded:etc/xref")
; always update registry editor
; ---------------------------------- register ----------------------------------
(if (or (= studio_yourname "") (= studio_serial ""))
(while (= studio_registered 0)
(set studio_repeat 1)
(while (= studio_repeat 1)
(set studio_yourname
(prompt #studio_yourname)
(help #studio_yourname_help)
(default studio_yourname)
(if (= studio_yourname "")
(message #studio_yourname_help)
(if (= studio_yourname "")
(set studio_repeat 1)
(set studio_repeat 0)
(set studio_repeat 1)
(set studio_registered
(prompt (#studio_check studio_yourname))
(help @askbool-help)
; ------------------------------- choose installation mode ---------------------
(set studio_installtype @studio_installtype_normal)
; new installation ?
(if (= studio_update "")
(set studio_installtype
(prompt #studio_installtype)
(help #studio_installtype_help)
(default studio_installtype)
; --------------------------------- choose components --------------------------
(if (= studio_update "")
; install new
(if (= studio_installtype @studio_installtype_minimum)
(set studio_components @studio_components_golded)
(set studio_starter 0)
(set studio_manual 0)
(set studio_addons_a 0)
(set studio_addons_b 0)
(set studio_addons_c 0)
; typical installation
(set studio_components (- @studio_components_all @studio_components_addons))
(set studio_starter @studio_components_all)
(set studio_manual @studio_components_all)
(set studio_addons_a 0)
(set studio_addons_b 0)
(set studio_addons_c 0)
(if (= studio_installtype @studio_installtype_user)
; choose categories
(set studio_components
(prompt #studio_components_install)
(help #studio_components_help)
(default studio_components)
; choose subcategories
; always install presets and registry when installing the editor
(if (bitand studio_components @studio_components_golded)
(set studio_components (bitor studio_components @studio_components_config))
; edit user-startup
; install everything
(run "installdata/programs/moveicons <>NIL: grid dir=golded: dx=70 dy=65 columns=4 files Demo \"Drag & Drop\" Recover Licence Uninstall Order Anleitung Manual Screenshot")
; install autorun macro
(source "installdata/autorun/golded.rexx")
(dest "golded:etc/autorun")
(run "golded:add-ons/regedit/regedit autorunrexx golded:etc/autorun/golded.rexx autodelete")
; install over old installation
; keep showing update menu
(while (<> studio_updatemode @updatemode_exit)
(set studio_updatemode
(prompt studio_path)
(default studio_updatemode)
(help #studio_updatemode_help)
(if (or (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_add) (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_reinstall))
; set defaults (none in <add> mode, installed components in <update> mode)
(if (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_add)
(set studio_components 0)
(set studio_starter 0)
(set studio_manual 0)
(set studio_addons_a 0)
(set studio_addons_b 0)
(set studio_addons_c 0)
(set studio_components
(prompt #studio_components_update)
(help #studio_components_help)
(default studio_components)
(run "installdata/programs/moveicons <>NIL: grid dir=golded: dx=70 dy=65 columns=4 files Demo \"Drag & Drop\" Recover Licence Uninstall Order Anleitung Manual Screenshot")
(if (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_remove)
(set studio_remove
(prompt #studio_components_remove)
(help #studio_components_help)
(default 0)
(run "installdata/programs/moveicons <>NIL: grid dir=golded: dx=70 dy=65 columns=4 files Demo \"Drag & Drop\" Recover Licence Uninstall Order Anleitung Manual Screenshot")
(if (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_presets)
(if (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_registry)
(if (= studio_updatemode @updatemode_startup)
; ------------------------------------- done -----------------------------------
; set return code
(delete "env:studioinstall")
(dest "env:studioinstall")
(append "OK")
(complete 100)
(if (= studio_reboot 1)
(exit #studio_reboot)